Atheist Celebrity Quotes Wallpapers (1-10)

Charlie Chaplin
By simple common sense, I don't believe in God, in non. Charlie Chaplin

Frank Sintra
I believe in you and me, I believe in nature, in the birds, the sea, the sky. In everything I can see or that there is real evidence for... But I don't believe in a personal God to whom I look for comfort or for a natural on the next roll of the dice. Frank Sinatra. 
Lance Armstrong
At the end of the day, if there was indeed somebody or presence  standing there to judge me, I hope I would be judged on whether I had lived a true life, not on whether I believe in certain book, or whether I'd been baptized. Lance Armstrong.
Woody Allen
If God Exists, I hope he has a good excuse. Woody Allen
Brad Pitt
When I got untethered from the comfort of religion, it wasn't a loss of faith for me, it was a discovery of self. I had faith that I'm capable enough to handle any situation. There's peace in understanding that I have only one life, here and now, and I'm responsible. Brad Pitt 
Homer Simpson
Gee, there are so may gods, what happens if we believe in the wrong one? Every time we go to church we just make the real one madder and madder. Homer Simpson
Natalie Portman
I don't believe in the after life. I believe this is it and I believe it is the best way to live. Natalie Portman
Kate Winslet
I like the diversity that my children are exposed to everyday. I love the way their brains work. Joe [her son] turns to me the other day and says, ‘One day I will have a girlfriend. But I might have a boyfriend. If I’m gay.’ He’s 7!…and he said, ‘Which would you prefer?’ and I said, ‘My love, that would be entirely up to you, and it doesn’t make any difference to me.  Kate Winslet
Gyneth Paltron
Religion is the cause of all problems in the world. I don't believe in organized religion at all. It's what separates people. On religion just represents fragments, it cause war. More people have died because of religious conflict than any other reason. Gwyneth Paltrow.  
George Clooney
I don't believe in Heaven and Hell. I don't know if I believe in God. All I know is that as an individual, I won't allow this life. The only thing I know to exist to be wasted. George Clooney.

1 comment:

ptyangel said...

Estoy en muy buena compañía, con tanta gente genial siendo atea (como miguelito :D) es casi una pena que no exista un infierno; sería hermoso.